Resultados: 3

Diagnósticos de enfermagem da NANDA-I® em pacientes críticos adultos portadores de COVID-19

Resumo Objetivo Identificar possíveis diagnósticos de enfermagem conforme a classificação da NANDA-International presentes em pacientes críticos adultos portadores de COVID-19 a partir de pistas diagnósticas descritas pela literatura científica. Métodos Estudo descritivo, desenvolvido em trê...

Safety protocol on medication prescription, use and administration: mapping of nursing interventions

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the correspondence between actions contemplated in the safety protocol on medication prescription, use and administration of the Ministry of Health with interventions of the Nursing Interventions Classification, by means of cross-mapping. Method: a descriptive study deve...

Actions of the fall prevention protocol: mapping with the classification of nursing interventions

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the correspondence between the actions contained in the fall prevention protocol of the Ministry of Health and the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) by a cross-mapping. Method: this is a descriptive study carried out in four stages: protocol survey, identificatio...